Thursday, August 30, 2012

School Stress

If you clicked on the link going to this blog, you're probably either one of those people who are stressed with school, and decided to stop and read this entry. (Not all, but you get the point) Haha.

Anyway, this month has been so hectic for a lot of students like me. It's the middle of the semester and everyone's soooo busy passing requirements, typing papers, doing homeworks, taking midterm exams and complaining about their "minor subjects na feeling MAJOR". (lol)

At one point, I felt tired physically, mentally and emotionally. Sometimes I would wake up and still feel tired... Even one of my friends said that I look really tired even if I tried my best not to show to other people my weariness.

A while ago during lunch time, I met with my Lifegroup. They're a group of girls who I meet with every Thursday to have Bible study or just simply hang out. ^^ I told our leader, a 5th year student, how tired I was especially because of my 3 major subjects. At that moment, I realized how I was relying on my own strength to continue having good grades.

I simply forgot that I couldn't actually do everything on my own... I kept on trying my best and stressing myself.

Main point: Rest and let God carry your burdens.

Rest. That was what I needed. Our leader even mentioned a verse from Matthew,
"29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:29-30 (NIV)
I have to learn how to let go, and let God be the one to carry my work for me. I can't do it all alone for I'm nothing but just a person who has limitations. I have to trust God who is infinitely powerful that I'll get good grades through His grace. Yes, it's good to do our best as we still should, but not to the point that we'll "die" for it or risk our health.

God created rest, and we should honor it.

I really thank God for these people He gave me to remind me of His Word. ^^
Taken last July 2012

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