Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Encounter with Jesus?

If you're familiar with the first four books in the New Testament which is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, I suppose you'll notice that most of the stories there contain people who had an encounter with Jesus.

There were those who are blind (Matthew 9:27-31; Mark 10:46-52), paralyzed or physically disabled (Matthew 9:1-8, 9:18-26; Luke 5:17-20; Luke 6:10), possessed by a demon (Matthew 15:21-28), unclean because of leprosy (Luke 12-16) and even those who are brokenhearted (Luke 7:37-38,50). There were also several different ways on how they encountered Jesus, but I noticed that one thing they all have in common is HUMILITY and FAITH IN HIM.  Jesus has this popular line where in He says something like, "Go, your FAITH has SAVED you!"

For every encounter, there was ALWAYS a CHANGE not just with the physical healing of the person, but also with their LIVES. Every time Jesus would tell the person not tell anyone what He has done (which I don't understand why He does, but He does anyway), people couldn't help it but to tell others. This is because they had that LIFE-CHANGING ENCOUNTER with JESUS CHRIST himself! All it takes is for a person to humble themselves, and have faith in Jesus Christ that He is our Lord and Savior. It's the greatest decision anyone could ever make.

There's a great big difference when we just stand with the crowd and hear the name of Jesus, not really knowing who He is, compared to having a genuine encounter with Him which is definitely life-changing and awesome! It's when we experience Him that we get to know Him.

As Charles Stanley, a pastor from InTouch Ministries, would say it,
"If you've never been excited for Jesus Christ, you have MISSED SOMETHING BIG!" 
The question remains for every person out there:
"Have you encountered Jesus Christ yet?"
 Healing Begins - Tenth Avenue North
(I'm loving their songs. HEHEHE)

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