Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Only Way

When people talk about religion, I would often hear the same line: "It's not about the religion, but the relationship with God." The statement is basically correct, but there's actually more than just saying that religion doesn't really matter.
The world defines the word "religion" simply as a set of spiritual beliefs. Usually, it is when a person belongs to a certain group of people who share and practice the same beliefs. Sometimes, we even get to ask a person, "What's your religion?" But instead of "religion", I believe the correct term for it is "denomination".

According to my dad (a 63-year old preacher/pastor), and from a source I found on the net, the word "religion" comes from the Latin word "ligare" which means "to bind, connect, or link together a human and a divine". Assuming that "re" is a prefix which means "again", we can conclude that the real meaning of religion is "to bind or link AGAIN".

So, what does this mean? What are we connecting or linking together again?

In the beginning, God once had a good relationship with man and woman; until one day, man sinned by disobeying God. The fall of man started when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree (Genesis 3). Since then, God became distant to man.

During the Old Testament days, man has to give offerings in order to please God. Some books like Exodus and Leviticus contained instructions on how the sacred offerings should be delivered, such as: animals offered to God must be done by priests, grain offerings, and many more. This is used for the atonement of the people's sins.

But in the New Testament, God sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the atonement of our sins. He was declared the Lamb of God because He was the sacred offering or sacrifice in order for man to be reconciled with God again.
"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of Godwho takes away the sin of the world!" - John 1:29 (NIV)

Jesus Christ was the one who connected us to God. He is the way to the Father. Religion is to bind again to God. There is only one religion and that is JESUS CHRIST.
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" - John 14:6 (NIV)
"Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne! You are God in the Highest~"
#nowplaying In the Highest - Citipointe

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Not-So-Pleasant Days

Today wasn't a very pleasant day for me. After class, I left school and went to the mall to help a friend of mine buy something. The mall was just 5 mins away if we choose to walk. We left at around 5pm in school, and I was hoping to arrive at my dorm by 6pm since I have a curfew and my parents keep on checking up on me. When we got to the mall, I told my dad that I'm at the mall and I'll be back at around 6pm (He wants me to update him all the time where I am). But my friend and I lost track of the time and I was able to go back to my dorm at 7pm.

Of course, like any other parent, when they found out that it's late and I passed my dorm curfew, they got furious. I also blame myself for not being responsible. When I got back at the dorm, my dad reprimanded me on the phone. I got a bit disappointed with myself and apologized to my parents. All I could say was "Sorry" and *"Opo" the whole time.
*"Opo": Filipino word for "yes", in a respectful way. Used for older people.

I got upset for a while, but I told myself that it was also my fault. I got a bit teary-eyed, but after that I chose to still smile. Not because I want to hide the pain I felt, but because I realized that there are still a lot of things to be thankful for.

Thank God for my dormmates who still made me laugh, and for my friend who prayed for me before I talked to my dad on the phone. I thank God for the fellowship I had with my friends today and for always being there to comfort me. He is the reason why we should still rejoice despite our not-so-pleasant days, for God is God and God is good. ^^

All of the bad things happening to us is nothing compared to what Jesus Christ went through for us.

It could have been an irritable situation for me that my parents got mad. But, I chose not to let it ruin my day.

When I had my quiet time after a long day, the Lord gave me words of encouragement:
"4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! .... 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:4, 6-7 (NLT)
Thank God for inner peace and joy. It's only in God where we could find true and everlasting joy. GOD IS GOOD! ^^

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Mother's Love

I hope this will serve as an inspiration for teenagers with regards to their relationship with their parents. ^^ It's a bit long, but I hope you guys will get something from it. ^^

Today, we celebrated my mom's birthday at SM Megamall with my dad and other two friends in UA&P during lunch time. It was fun, and I get to spend time with my parents even for just a short while because I'm already living in a dorm. I won't be seeing them that often now. As I reminisce about the past few years I was with my mom, all I can say is: It's amazing how God worked things between my mom and I. Here's how it all worked:

While growing up, I couldn't always say that my relationship with my mom was good. There were feelings of bitterness and resentment that hindered me from loving and caring for her. Her desire to control me led me to silent rebellion and low self esteem. Whenever I would get hurt, my friends are the ones who would listen to me rant and I would always tell them how I disliked my mom. I wasn't really open to my mom and never dared to talk to her about my thoughts, emotions, happenings in school, or any other things that she could be concerned of as a mother.

I didn't like the discipline she imposed on me. Sometimes her words hurt so much that I thought of committing suicide or running away from home. Even as a young kid in elementary school, specifically when I was around 13 years old, I thought of those things. But, of course, I couldn't do it. For 17 years, I endured her.

There came a time when one of my friends invited me to a camp held by Victory Ortigas in Bataan last April 2010. It was the turning point of my life and slowly, I fully understood God's love for me. I was able to forgive my mother as Christ has forgiven me of my sins. Even though she didn't apologize to me directly, I decided to forgive her and prayed to God for a better relationship with my mom. I felt peace and joy inside of me that I couldn't describe. Even if she throw insults at me again and again, I would still forgive her, turn to God and pray unceasingly. Every time I get hurt, my fellowship with God becomes more intimate.

There wasn't any drastic change between the relationship of my mom and I immediately after the camp I mentioned previously. It was only after 2 years that I realized that there was a subtle change between us. God made me realize how vast and glorious a mother's heart is that sometimes we tend to misunderstand it.

My mom just cares for me so much that even though it would make me dislike her, she would still persevere and do whatever it takes for me to have a good life. It was just my pride and selfishness that got in the way of seeing my mother as a gift from God. I know that through the years we've been together, I've only expressed my love and appreciation for her only a few times... And I thought, "Maybe that's what she needed more from me?". The question is not "What can she do for me?" but, "What can I do for her?".

Now, I spend more time with my mom compared before. We would go together to their Victory group every Thursday (whenever I get the chance to join), do chores, bake, cook, go shopping and talk more comfortably. Sometimes I would even be the one to help her get her nails done or go with her wherever she needs to go even if know that I won't really be doing anything but to follow her around. Time was probably one of the things I wasn't able to give her back then which explains her anger towards me. Recently, I also noticed that she's becoming more even-tempered. Instead of having dinner with my mom nagging in front of us every night (as she does before), our dinner time conversations improved. Sometimes we would laugh at each other, or talk about serious matters more calmly.

At first I hesitated spend quality time with her, but by God's grace, I was able to express my love for her more. ^^ It was a decision I made to love her despite the past painful emotions I had. We are more open to each other now. And this clearly shows that restoration between parent/s and child is possible through Jesus Christ.

I thank God for my mother and for all the things that happened between us, both good and bad. I thank my mom for the discipline she instilled in me, for forcing me to play the violin, and for taking care of me everyday. I know my mom cares and loves me deeply. I was just stubborn and didn't understand it at first. Thank you, Lord~! ^^

I love my mom! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her. :3

"What is your mother? A lioness among the lions! She lay down among the young lions and reared her cubs." - Ezekiel 19:2

Friday, June 1, 2012

The 5 Love Languages

Recently, I finished listening to an audio book this summer about the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman. :3 I couldn't find any copy of the book in bookstores so I had to download an audio book. HEHE.

Anyway, Chapman discussed about the concept of people having "emotional love tanks" which are to be filled by others. I think it's kind of like a psychological thing. It's interesting though. :>

It was quite interesting that I also tried to research online if they have any quizzes just to find out my own love language. ^^ You can also try it for yourself. Click here.

So, here are the 5 love languages:

1) Words of Affirmation
"Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten."
2) Quality Time
"In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, “I love you,” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful."
3) Receiving Gifts
"Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous—so would the absence of everyday gestures."
4) Acts of Service
"Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most want to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter."
5) Physical Touch
"This language isn’t all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive."

To find out more about the 5 love languages, click here.

Once we figure out other people's love languages, it'll also be easier to show love to them because we know what to do. And by showing them love, we need to act. It is not just doing it because we feel like it, but by the decision to love. Remember, love is a choice. Feelings are just the result of it. ^^ To love is to give in expense of one's self.

"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony." - Colossians 3:14 (NLT)

More Reads.