There was this season in my life when I felt anxious and paranoid about my future. I don't know why, but I kept thinking about it since I'll be turning into an official adult next year. And pretty soon, I'll also be working.
Then, God spoke to me through His Word just this week. He reminded me that He is in control and He will continue to guide me on the right path. Even if I'm not sure of what will happen in the future, I know that God has plans for me and He will guide, protect and bless me.
Psalm 23:
"1 The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need."

God is being characterized here as a shepherd and us as His sheep. In life, if we don't have Christ in us, we will be like a sheep without a shepherd. We'd be lost and feel empty inside. We won't have someone to lead us in the right path and love us unconditionally just as Christ loves us. He is everything we would ever need. It is only in Him that we are satisfied.
"2 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. 3 He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths bringing honor to his name."
God is our provider. He wants to bless us, but sometimes sin gets in the way. When we fail to follow Him because of sin, He makes something good out of the mess we have done and continues to lead us. Bad things may happen to us, but God is still God and God is still good. He is a faithful God. He does this all for our good and all His glory!
"4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid,for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me."
We may feel fear, but God calls us to lean on Him. We may be troubled, but God calls us to trust in Him. At times, we may be upset or feel abandoned, but God is ALWAYS WITH US. People may not understand what we feel or think inside, but God does. He is a God whose love never fails, protects us and whips our tears away.
"5 You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings."
God will bless us abundantly as He has promised. And I believe the greatest gift He has given us was when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us. Without Him, we will die because the consequences of sin is death (Romans 6:23). We are not saved because of the good deeds we have done, but through faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9) alone. We are saved when we confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10).
No words can describe how awesome God's love is for us! ❤
No words can describe how awesome God's love is for us! ❤
"6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever."
God is a good shepherd and He will never abandon us. He is an AMAZING GOD! Believe God for great things because we have a great God! Trust and look forward to God on what He will do! ^^
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